I got one...
Yeah, 3 heros is too much...try this (based on maps with a tavern)
-5 starting wisps
2 to gold
1 to alter
1 to moon well
1 to moon well
-Que one wisp (gold)
-Que another wisp (lumber)
When altar/2 wells are done, 2 wisp go to gold, 1 to lumber
-Que a warden
-Make a AoW when you get 60 lumber
Keep making wisps on lumber till you have a good amount
When you hit 100 lumber after Queing the AoW, make a hunters hall.
After queing the hall, once you hit 60 more lumber, make another AoW.
Mass achers at the beginning, then as soon as you have 1/1 upgrade, and 11 archers + Warden, upgrade your tree.
When its done, make 2 Ancient of Winds. Make enough hippos to match the amount of archers you should have (11). After that, go to the tavern, and get a Pit Lord. Make sure to get the damage reduce, then splash damage. DONT FORGET ABOUT THE HIPPO RIDER UPGRADE. After you have Warden +11 Hippo riders..and a pit lord, alternate making 2 archers, then 2 Hippos, until eventually you have 2 heros + 22 hippos, and should be somewhere around max food. Now your ready to attack...or creep if you havent already (you should be at least lvl 4, nearing lvl 5 by now).
This is my 2 cents, it works for me!!