Former Staff member
As the title says, do you think it will be possible to pull off a successful SCV rush in the new starcraft game?
You must consider some things now to then (when the game is released)
Now, look at the Lurker drop/DT rush. If preformed correctly, it can happen very fast; under 5 minutes. But this is after the player knows building counts, resources needed, etc etc.
For later, when the game is released, regarding a worker rush we just do not have the information at hand.
How many workers will be in the beginning of the game?
How much does it cost to build a worker?
How much time does it take to create a worker?
Can the workers heal themselves? How so?
How fast does the unit move? Attack? Repair? (self or assisted)
We know these things now, but with the information we have on SC2, who knows. You might even start out with a few military units. Who knows. This would make for completely different strategies. Who knows. There may be a timer for when attacks can take place? There may be an option for it, who knows. Its too early, but its great fun to speculate on these strategies.
You haven't even played me? I didn't think so.:nooobYOU SUCKED AT STARCRAFT! YOU WEREN'T EVEN GOOD MAN!
I hate how your like the forum bull **** artist. Like you read the game guide and your the man now or something.... you just state obvious things.