Why does is matter if SC 2 is made when SCG comes out, they are totally different style of games. strategy, and 3rd person shooter. nothing alike. so i am all for both games at the same time, i wouldn't mind. if they made ghost and 2 then the starcraft market is open with 2 new totally different products to apeal to different people, why favor 3rd person over strategy, why not release both and widen the market for starcraft. if they only release ghost which im sure is whats happening, then strategy fans are left with an old, outdated game. i was 8 when that game was made (i think) and im 18 now, and that game is still my favorite. thats the thing about strategy, it doesn't have to be flashy. i meen look at the first civilization game. i loved that game to, and it by no meens is a flashy high end game (mainly becasue it was made like 13 years ago, but still). my point is it doesn't have to be flashy to be good. i think we all agree starcraft is good even after being around 10 or so years. its not super flashy with graphics besides the cinimatics (which were awsume for the day, and still are great). all we, as the gaming comsumer, want after 10 frikin years of an awsume product, is, another awsume product to keep the story and the fun going. i hope when sc2 comes out that it will be a game i want to play for 10 more years. sadly i cant say that for any of the warcraft games (except WC2 on my playstation 1 when im bored). the only game i know of other than starcraft that has been around for some time that i'd still play is the MMORPG Asheron's Call. Asheron's Call was the greatest. when they made 2, it was all flash and they went to the skill tree bull crap. i hope they don't get rid of any key things in starcraft. i think the simplicity of the game is what makes it good, just complicated enough for a challenge, but not make it tedeous to play. ok im done ranting now. its been like a year since i posted so i have some catching up to do