Sc2 project


Oct 23, 2002
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Nether land
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i have some new idea's in fact i have so many ideas i want to make a war3 map that features them, im not that good a programmer but ill figure it out. Want it sooner help me!

3 ideas

1 the ability of the zerg to infest every other infantry unit in the game after 1 min the unit turns into a zeg hybrid which retains some of the old units abilities

2 an ability of the protoss to captchure and ride critters which after one minute become availible to warp as a unit of their own

3 an upgrade for zergling (and maybe some other land units) to store blood (hp) of their enemies and returning it to the zerg base which can produce small digging creatures (very swift) which deliver the hp to other units at your designation. also every type of blood would have their own temporary boost. Zerg blood = temporary speed bonus. Protoss blood=temprorary extra damage. Terran blood= stimpack effect a limited amount of times
i know this idea wasnt originally mine i modified it if the person who came up with it replies ill add his name in the credits of my map

So all guys how can program war 3 are welcome only 1 map is planned and no skins or sounds if people will make them for me, fine ill add them everybody who wants to be part of this project reply!


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