A nice build order...
Ok... clone shift (whatever it's called) your scvs to mine... make one more... Group your Command Center as Group 1. Rally point your SCVs to the specific unoccupied mine, closer ones first...
When 8 is coming, send the SCV that is closest to entrace and group it number 2. Build supply depot. (Sending the closest one and not number 8 to build SD enables somewhat faster production of SCVs.) Keep building til 10..
-Terran and Protoss-
When supply is done, send number 2 to scout, send in another SCV to build barrax. 12th SCV makes refinery. As soon as it's done, send in 2 scvs... all this time make SCVs without queing...
Build SCVs until 18... when 200min, 100 gas is done, make factory and SD. I go for mine vultures and tanks here... keep making scvs... when 150 gas is done, make another factory... Group your factories 0 and 9. make academy and engineering bay...Your first factory makes machine shop to research mines, or siege if you prefer... make SD when you feel like it... pump vultures, rush and kill probes while microing with mines. all the while, send in reinforcements by typing 0 vv 9 vv... send one vulture to other place and place mines to see when they expand...
-unless you feel like the attempt is worthless... -
make another factory or two and a command center(not at the expo, but at the cliff or something) send in tanks and vultures with turrets next to them like in boxer replays... if you feel they're going to do a drop on your, build some turrets and place mines next to them and the comsat station... nice little surprise for those dts...
just keep expanding, making factories, drops, etc...keep pushing
make one barrax as same as above but at 12th scv, build another barrax... make sd at 14th... build academy and engineering bay whenever you like... build a 3rd barrax and factory few moments later... build SDs.. go for SVs next...
I'm sorry but I don't have a very 'strict' build order against zerg, instead i follow a general outline... also, you don't need to expand as much when you're against a zerg because marines and medics are cheaper than tanks and vultures...