Originally posted by l2()l3
To kill a terran player all you need is a couple fleets of dragoons. Goons (when upgraded twice) dominate ghosts, small groups of marines, and even siege tanks in siege mode. Since bunkers are difficult to build in mass, and turrets dont attack ground units Dragoons can slaughter a terran army.
A goons attack speed is slow but powerful enough to decimate even the most powerful of terren air. Though dragoons can easily be defeated by a large group of marines, a good protoss player will send zealots in for a faster deadly attack. With this combo, marines stand no chance. Though air can kill zlots, goons can defend them. While the goons are getting hit hard by marines, zealots can supplybackup. Alone Zealots and Dragoons can be defeated, but together they are as lethal a cyanide.
So in training for your tournament, have your friends relentlessly attack you with 3 or 4 fleets of goons and 3 or 4 fleets of zlots and have him attack you and see what you can do.