Premium Member
I was very very very bored and figured since it had to do with Zerg here it is..........
is the king of the Tuxedo Terror... the Tuxedo Terror are a race of killer penguins bent on universal domination. But with many a fierce battle with the Zerg they were abandoned on earth with their leader sent to the Ice crown of Alaska.... There was one great battle where the Zerg overmind tried to make one last strike to alliminate the Warriors of the devestating Tuxedo Terror with an attack on Alaska. There Strike was unsuccessful due to harsh climates that the penguins where used to. Attack after attack the zerg would lose more and more units with each invasion until they desided taking on the penguins in there home land was impossible. So the zerg came to an agreement with the Tuxedo terror that they can have earth and rule the Terran while they stay away from Char. They wouuld later go on to make plans to take over the Protoss Conclave. It has not yet been tried.
boredom is an awful thing

boredom is an awful thing