Three Spires? (Zerg Strat)


BattleForums Senior Member
Jan 19, 2005
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you can skip to the next paragraph if you don't want to hear the story of my life.. i found this paragraph to be somewhat drawn out, and instead of making it shorter, i'm just adding this disclaimer.. i'll be very upfront.. since i have gotten, for the most part, extremely bored with melee, and find ums very enjoyable, when i do play melee it's usually with the intent to bs or make someone bs someone else.. most of that boredom and frustration originated from having AOL at one point, resulting in disconnects within 20 minutes of starting (58 disconnects i think, total, a number of which i was about to win).. so now i just bs because i think it's fun.. when i started to bs, people realized it was me because of my lack of attacking the computer and having a superior army.. needless to say, those attempts went poorly.. but they never attacked the guy who was afk the whole time and had nothing, especially if he had been all up on the "who is bsing? omg i hate bsers, just ally vic" bandwagon.. so i tried to figure out how to bs by being more discreet (spelling?).. and so i discovered the art of tech building.. making every preparation possible, up to the last mineral and gas needed, as quickly as possible, until ready to amass a fully upgraded 200 supply army.. a very unbalanced, unrecommended strategy, as it entails zero offense and zero defense until you have everything else, and is rendered completely useless on anything short of a money map.. i do it simply because i like it immensely, and just hope i dont get rushed, i am fully aware it's not an intelligent path for the serious melee player.. so, more to the point..

while tech building, i make 3 spires.. 2 which upgrade and a third to be a greater spire so i can finish making mutas right as the 3rd upgrades finish, and immediately mutate to guardians.. and it seems, no matter what is going on in the game, whether they are friend or foe, or i'm bsing them or not, someone manages to ask me "3 spires? why the **** do you have 3 spires?" or something along those lines.. i'm just wondering if anyone else has ever utilized the three spire strategy?


Jan 13, 2005
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die bser!!!


Jan 13, 2005
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and btw no i dont use that strategy, i use only 2 :morph


-=[ Retired BF Admin ]=-
Sep 17, 2002
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When you're as godly of a mapmaker that you are now, I think we can overlook your melee shortcomings and take into account how much you've already contributed to with your excellent, and seemingly flawless UMS games. :)

I myself have never been one to be considered great. During the time of my Clan DoS_, I was a decent gamer, able to take on probably a good 35% of the people I played in public games, though that's not saying much considering how many unskilled people like me there are out there now too.

Back in my heyday, I a decent Zerg player, but more often used Protoss or Terran. However on the rare occasions I did use Zerg, and not actually suck, I never found a need for two or more Spires. More on the basis that I found Hydralisks, Overlords (to drop with), and Scourges enough of a distraction to break a defense. With Lings and Defilers added in to help in the fray of anti-air defense.

In fact, I believe I held off a 12-14 BattleCruiser assault on my base with 2 Defilers, DarkSwarm and Consume, and about 18 Hydras. I'm pretty sure it was on Dire Straights after all resources had been consumed, and 3 of the 5 players had already been eliminated, and Allied/Allied Vision to watch the rest (it was all friends).

Considering I was never one to like the weakness of Zerg Air, and not happy with the slow ROF for Devourers, I've never had the need to upgrade more than one thing at a time.

Lastly, while I can't deny the power of Guardians, I find they're always far too unprotected on island maps while traversing over water. :-/

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