*The 12D-matrixed Zergling or Scourge trick-
*Goliaths+Lurkers under DarkSwarm-
*Medics+(Ultralisks under Def-matrix) under DarkSwarm
*Medics heal any ground Zerg
*EMP/Guardians (that EMP-plague thing i like)
*Def-Matrixed Queens--can't kill them easily before they Sp.Brdlg
*Def-Matrixed Guardians protected by cloaked wraiths
*All-Marine bunkers w/Lurker support
*Comsats reveal cloaked units(e.g., DarkTemplars, or stuff under arbiters) for lurkers
*Easy access to Infested Comm.Cntrs w/Inf. Terrans
*Def. Matrix the Inf. Terrans with spider mines for defense
*Tank/Lurker dropped from transport safely into a Dark Swarm
*Ghosts aim-nukes w/DefMatrix under Dark Swarm w/Lurker support
*Lockdown Carriers/Battlecruisers for Scourges/Devourers
*Lukers/Sunkens w/Firebat-Bunkers for ground defense (Lurkers/Sunkens kill @range while firebat at short range)
*lockdown/comsats/plague/scourges/ensnare gets the arbiters....and everything underneath...sort of..kinda
*lockdown anything...so those weak zerg units can attack mechs without getting hit
*Comsat' reveal observers for queens' parasite--that's why queens were given fast speed
Btw--the 12D-matrixed Zergling or Scourge trick goes like this:
1) Take 2Hatcheries and 3Science Vessels:
2) Order the hatcheries to make zergling eggs,
3) shortly BEFORE each egg hatches, use the science vessels and put a defense matrix on EACH egg.
4) Wait a second or less...
5) Two zerglings will pop-out of each egg...and they'll BOTH have that defense matrix thing on them!
6) 6eggs worth in two hatcheries will make "12 Defense-Matrixed Zergling--" just dying to attack!
*use these anywhere (i.e, defend expansions, expand, kill enemy or base...etc) nothing can stop them .....especially under Dark Swarm
With around 275HP from Def-Matrix, medics, dark swarm, tanks, EMP, goliaths, comsat detections (against darktemplars), this TerranZerg strategy is almost unstoppable IMO, almost ...not perfectly, just almost.
Do this again, but use scourge' eggs---to make 12D-Matrixed Scourges that can take out any small air force :smile:
*Arbiter Stasis/Nuke trick
*Medics+ShldBatteries for full healing
*Battlecruisers+Carriers (the only capital ships in all starcraft)
*Bunkers and Photon Cannons (best defensive placements)
*Comsats&Observers for best detection
*Def.Matrxed Arbiters can recall troops behind enemy lines without getting destroyed
*Medics+Firebats+Zealots against Zerg (Zealots-hydras, firebats-lings)
*Reavers&Tanks (best ground siege)
*Reavers "behind" tanks (scarabs protect tanks from close range attacks)
*Tanks destroy defenses, so Reavers can drop (or both tank/reaver drops)
*Tanks, Reavers, Psi-Storm, Firebats, Irradiate, backed up by Medics will splash damage against zerg armies
*"Invisible Yamato"--Battlecruisers hidden in front of Arbiters
*Tanks/Bunkers with Marines defended by Dark Templars
*Stasis a Ghost so he won't get killed by his nuke
*Put Disruption Web AROUND bunkers and tanks (melee or close range enemies can't attack bunkers or the tanks)
*Goliaths+Reavers for air/ground damage
*Medics+Dark Templar--medics can heal, restore effects, and blind those damn detectors so dktemplars can attack
*Medics restores lockdowns for Arbiters, so they can cloak and remove parasites (IMO, one of zerg's greatest anti-arbiter spells)
*Arbiters can recall tanks in siege mode
*Irradiated Reavers?????? just trying to think of somethings...
Stuff u can do with Def-matrix on Protoss units::::::::::
*Def-Matrixed High Templars can Psi-storm themselves or anywhere safely
*Def-matrixed Archons/Scouts/Carriers survive Nukes
*Def-matrixed Corsairs can put disrp.web ANYWHERE on MAP (good speed, with good defenseHP means ANYWHERE)
*Def-matrixed archons live after EMP
*Def.Matrixed DarkArchns live after MindControl or EMP
*Def.Matrixed Shuttles for better Reaver Drops
--oh, and try to mind control zerg enemy defilers: dark swarm helps out a lot~!
Btw, the Arbiter Stasis/Nuke trick goes like this:
1) Get a ghost with nuke and an arbiter
2) Put your army into dropship/shuttles
3) Make sure you time this right:
*Recall your shuttles+ghost into the enemy's base
*"Stasis Field" your shuttles
*Wait 25seconds, then aim nuke on the shuttles
BOOM! Their base partially obliterated, just as your shuttles leave the stasis safe and sound! Now, just drop ur army and finish off the base.
Just a couple of strategies on both sides!
But which then seems more powerful---and better: TZ or TP !?