Zerg Strategy


BattleForums Junior Member
Jul 17, 2004
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You may think it sucks, but when i have done it right, my winning percentage vs. my losing (if teams are at all fair) is much better, btw this strategy is best for 3v3 (zero clutter) melee games

"The Hydralisk Strategy"-Put all your drones on the mineral deposit(s), then make drones as fast as you can, until your supplies is full (9/9). DO NOT PLACE your last 2 drones onto the mineral deposit. Once you have 200 minerals, have one of the drones make a Spawning Pool in front (depends on whether you are on the top or bottom of the map) by your Vespene Geysers. Then take the other drone and make 1 extractor. Make 1 more drone, and 1 overlord. Place the drone on the Gas Chamber once it is done, in the mean time make another drone when possible and place it on your Gas Chamber too. Once the overlord is done, you make another drone, which you will place on the Gas Chamber. Make another drone, which, once made, make into a Hydralisk Den. Once you have enough gas, make your Hatchery into a Lair. Make two more drones, and make them into Hatcheries in front of your "main money base" by a couple spaces, and place them 1 space apart from each other (make the Hatcheries horizontally and not vertically). While the two hatcheries are finishing up, keep making drones and putting them on your mineral deposit until you have 12 drones on your mineral deposit. Once your Lair is finished, upgrade your overlord's speed.Then make another overlord and 2 drones, which you will make into two more hatcheries on either side of your original two hatcheries (keep them all 1 space apart). Upgrade one of the two (three if playing expansion) hydralisk upgrades, which are either speed or range. Now just keep making a few hydralisks with your hatcheries in front, get another 12 drones on your mineral patch eventually, (hopefully sooner, than later) make another gas chamber (or however many you'd like) and put 3 drones on each of them. From here on just make 2 evolutions chambers, and use them to upgrade your ground missile attacks, and ground defense (carrapace), make at least 8 spore colonies close around your "main money base" (the Lair), and make some more hatcheries in front, a healthy supply of hatcheries would be around 12 or 16+, whatever suits you best. Also, keep making overlords almost constantly with your "main money base", the Lair, until your supplies is 200, which will look like x/200, where x is what your current supplies is. Based on what is happening in the game and on what your teamates are doing, or whether they are good, make hydralisks, and attack with them a lot.
-What's great about this strategy, is that it's is also very useful for "No Rush for 20 minutes" games, AND you don't have to do everything so quickly, which means your resources should pose no problem (even with this great strategy, if you keep making constant units while your army is attacking, you probably will be getting low on resources).


Grumpy Old Grandpa
Dec 28, 2002
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First thing: I want no kind of money map flaming in this thread. This is a warning for future readers.

Ok, now, about that strat... Hydralisks are actually very good, but they can be easily destroyed by any kind of splash damage unit, specially in money maps :-/


May 18, 2003
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You make the 'gas chamber' or Extractor too fast. Remember, a Hydralisk costs 75 minerals and only 25 gas.
What I do(Instead of making a super paragraph)
Max your supply and hopefully by then you have 300 minerals.
Then make a hatchery(first building you morph)
Make an Overlord and a drone
Then make a spawning pool
Make another drone and morph an Extractor
Overlord should be done, make 3 drones, 2 will mine gas and 1 will mine minerals
Make a drone, by the time the drone is morphed, you should have enough to make a Hydralisk Den
By the time the Hydralisk Den is finished, your second hatchery should be finished.
Either start making hydralisks or make 1 or 2 more hatcheries or both

That's for going offense on someone.


BattleForums Junior Member
Jul 17, 2004
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ok sry i didnt have that much time to make this smaller, for a class i had to make a website and it was on stasrcraft, and grammar and shit was part of the grade so...and the reason i have gas so fast, is that if u follow this, well i use this strat for no rules games almost always for zerg, also with gas so soon u can go to mutas if need be, i mean if u wanted u cood change the hydras to almost any unit, because this strat is just all around awesome, as for splash, one word: defilers, and lots of dark swarm, i mean one thing i do is, if there is some middle defense, then usually u can make around 100 hyds and still have around 40 to 50 unit spaces left, thus make like 50 lings with all ups and use them as cannon fodder, they dont take hits but they distract defense, and plus with speed ups and all they ****ing woop ass fast, and then the hyds bring up the rear with air support and other, and dark swarmed lings can **** just about any ground u throw at them, btw keep about 3 oveys with ur army if its maxed like this, otherwise around 1 or 2 shood do it, also with this strat im almost able to make non stop hyds to keep throwing at them so ya...


May 18, 2003
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With all due respect, could you please spend more time your post. This is a forum not a instant messenger.
You don't have to make me happy but:
I don't like the 'super' paragraphs. I really don't like the 'super' paragraphs with bad grammar.

I try to stay away from massing a player with 1 type of unit. That shows no skills. What I like to do is send in 3 Queens, 3 Defilers, 12 Hydralisks, 6 Ultralisks, 6 Lurkers, and 3 Overlords.
I don't like Mutalisks, Guardians, and Devours because I don't think they're worth it for their cost and time.
Guardians - 150 Minerals and 200 Gas and 80 seconds.(Added in the Mutalisk's cost and time)
Devours - 250 Minerals and 150 Gas and 80 seconds.(Added in the Mutalisk's cost and time)


Oct 11, 2002
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Lwek, with all due respect, he can post anyway he wants to.

As for the strategy, it's too easy to counter, masses of Hydralisks will be cut to shreds by just a few well-placed Psi-Storms.


Aug 2, 2003
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Teh Mass Cracklings+Cracktras > mass hydras. XD

but in all seriousness Strom > hydras Just like Water > Wicked witch
ofcourse... Strom > just about all... Cracktras eat strom for breakfast!
Mass hydra > Muta-strains('specially Guardians)

Defilers > hydra (with lings for food/fighting force!) Swarm+ plague the hydra and send in the ling fighting force...those are freshly BBQed hydra...


BattleForums Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
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Renzokuken said:
Lwek, with all due respect, he can post anyway he wants to.

As for the strategy, it's too easy to counter, masses of Hydralisks will be cut to shreds by just a few well-placed Psi-Storms.
Templar production and Templars period could be cut to shreds with a few well-dropped or well-placed teams of Hydralisks. It all depends on adaptation actually there is no real good strategy.


Oct 11, 2002
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Yes, but generally, when you are dropping, you drop in one big bunch, in one big area, and i have never seen a Zerg player strategically drop units on top of my HT's. Even if they did manage to empty a few units out, i'd have my HT's protected at all times by Zealots/Dragoons/DAs.

Only Protoss ever counter-drops on units (Zealots > Tanks).

The well-placed teams of Hydras wouldn't really work either. Yes, i know you can just micro my Protoss-ass to death, but then i'd match your micro with Dragoons/Zealots and wait for the opportunity to Psi-Storm. Besides, Hydralisks have low HP, whereas Dragoons/Zealots do not, so i'd obviously last longer and even if you microed heaps, you'd lose more (Unless i only had Zealots).

I know there isn't a perfect strategy, but it's damn easy to counter mass Hydralisks, even if you know what you are doing.


Aug 2, 2003
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Zerg units aren't really...built for micro. When was the last time you heard "O man..did you see how I moved those 200 lings in and out to prevent my lings from dieing" ><


Oct 11, 2002
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Zerg needs to micro heavily in early game to gain advantage over Protoss. And Hydras > Zealots before speed upgrade.


Oct 12, 2004
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Over There
just one thing about the strategy, I can get adrenaline lings in there by time you make fourth hatchery. You need to add that during the building up of money process get some hydras OR lurkers to defend early rush!


BattleForums Junior Member
Jul 17, 2004
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ok first of all, with this strategy i have gone the entire game with making constant units, and not all of them are hyds, i have switched to mutas/lings and back or other various things. about the ling thing, maybe, but by the time any ofthe lings START to do any real dmg, i will have about 8 hyds or more ripping them a new one, ive had 12 hyds 2 mins into games so dont **** bitches =D, also u can make a sunken in there somewhere if u really want to, hopefully ur teamates arent ass crappy like i usually get and them mite b able to help with 1 marine


BattleForums Junior Member
Jul 17, 2004
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(ok sorry for double posting now that im not ins chool i can read crap and answer it) ok, massing 1 unit thing can b fixed, ok did u not read the whole thing of lings as cannon fodder which u corrected on me saying linggs with dark swarm r better rite after i had alrdy said the darkswarm/hyda/SUPER LINGS r awesome? psi storm doesnt affect inside swarms rite? (i may b wrong havnt bin able to get cd to work for about 3 months now :scary :hbut :fwink ) but like i said u can mix with this trat, bcuz it gives all around resources (whihc fixes comments about gas too soon and too much AGAIN) u make like 18 gaurds to go up sides, when they all their crap to go kill your "army" rush in with swarm/hyda/lings and then flank their armies (which the gaurds are destracting and beating the shit out of ground :D (probably)) or other things, also rush with like 3 over lords 2 with the group of gaurds the other to back of zerg base if there is one and then make a tunnel (i forgot what they're called sorry again) and go through swarm over the building then send in units like crap, make aline of swarms into their base and go in, lwek sorry for al th speliing arorrs l meen ur rite dis aint inst mesingur :dance and this shood answer ur questions and others


BattleForums Senior Member
Jun 9, 2003
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Teradar said:
ok first of all, with this strategy i have gone the entire game with making constant units, and not all of them are hyds, i have switched to mutas/lings and back or other various things. about the ling thing, maybe, but by the time any ofthe lings START to do any real dmg, i will have about 8 hyds or more ripping them a new one, ive had 12 hyds 2 mins into games so dont **** bitches =D, also u can make a sunken in there somewhere if u really want to, hopefully ur teamates arent ass crappy like i usually get and them mite b able to help with 1 marine
Teradar, 8 hydras will be nothing to andrenale Zerglings, he will have many many more numbers than you.

And another thing, Teradar, under no circumstances are you allowed to double-post here.


BattleForums Junior Member
Jul 17, 2004
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maybe the adrenaline lings r better, duh he will have more cuz they come in twos, but by the time he starts actually flooding them in masses i will b stopping htem with my own, have u bin counting that i can actually make things while im being attked? w/e as for double post im sory, i didnt think about edit button and i never had time on other posts (in school) to read much or all of the replys so i cood answer them, also this strategy was made to help people mostly noobs who dont have their own strats and ned them, if they are noobs then they are probably playing in noob games in which case masses with dark swarms and up'd lings and this resource etc will woop the others' asses, or at least shood dependiong on how fast they can do this (it takes a while to do it at a great speed)


Oct 21, 2004
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Zergling Rush
Take the four starting drones, start mining, move your OL and make a drone. As soon as that has been made, you will have to move him in to mine, about .14 seconds later, you will have enough minerals to make another drone, make it, and then about a 1/2 a second before it is done, make another one, ect. After you are done making the total 9/9, build up enough minerals to make a OL, and wait, once you reach 150 minerals, make your Spawning Pool.
As soon as your OL is done being spawned, make drones, up to 13, by then you will have your Spawning Pool made. After that, make some Zerglings, set them up a little bit out of the way, because you don't want your opponent to see them until they are in range. Now, you should have 15/18 used, so make another OL, and while it's being made, make more lings, and hide them to the side.
Now, before your opponent rushes you, make one Sunken Colony, so that it will keep your opponent busy while your lings rush them from behind. After your opponent rushes, which should be very soon, take all of your remaining lings and rush your opponent. While they fend off your lings, build more and more of 'em, building them up by their base, and as soon as the first wave is dead, send in your second one, which should be about 12-16 lings, this will most likely finish your opponent off, but if not, make sure you have back-up lings back at your base.


BattleForums Junior Member
Jul 17, 2004
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"up enough minerals to make a OL, and wait, once you reach 150 minerals, make your Spawning Pool."-Meshleer
first of all spawning pool costs 200, and at this early stage it does mean something/matter. (this of course is in the computer version whichi thought we were talking about.....)
as far as the rushed part, u have not bin reading any of the earlier conversation have you?
ok some things to stop rushing....:
1. Ur teamates may not suck bawls in which case they can help with 1 unit which shood b enuf to stop 2 lings...
2. like i have bin saying this strat is great for just about any mix resources wise, u CAN make a sunken real early, i used to make two on each side so as to b able to attk anything that can attk me in my base. or u cood do "3"
3. MAKE UNITS THAT CAN ATTK, make a few lings my point is i dont likie them cuz then i cant make hydras as fast (obviously) if ur make spawn bugs into lings instead of drones to go get gas and make a hydra den or new hatcheries, u no wat just make one sunken at the begining of this strat for those of u all r obsessed with hydras not coming in fast enuf, then make hydras, if they attk u b4 u have those hydras, that one sunken shood b enuf to distract or kill them until u do have hydras at wat time with this strat u can make them conctantly for at least like 12 times even at this point in the game (if u did everything accordingly to my strat)
ok if there are ANY MORE comments (which im sure their will b..) i will b hap...well ill adress them either way
also meshleer by the time u have that many lings and all that i can have about half as many hydras which as far as health and dmg and range is better....and u alrdy have ur main army being built with other buildings for unit requirments

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