I hope so...I loved Ultras. I imagine they'll fulfill the same sort of niche as the Thor and Colossus: heavy anti-ground support.
I'm not so sure. The Thor and the Mothership offer offensive support, but as you know, the real purpose of the Ultralisk is to absorbe enough damage to allow the rest of the Swarm to overwhelm the ennemy. Ultralisk are not meant to destroy the ennemy: 200 of gaz and mineral, plus the necessary upgrades, are better invested in hydralisks, mutalisks and zerglings for that purpose.
I still love the ultralisk for the coolness factor, though. When I'm in a stalemate, or when I think I'm gonna lose, I try to use ultralisks anyway. Because no match is truly lost if you're capable of unleashing a herd of ultralisks on an unsuspecting opponent. Because then, even if you end up losing, at least you'll go out with style.
Here's my wishlist for the Zergs:
- I want to see an upgrade for faster regeneration.
- I want a powerhouse better than an ultralisk, or nothing at all.
- I like the concept of flying artillery, so I want something equivalent to a guardian.
- They have to keep the Queen, too, and its Parasite and Broodling ability. Fast flying spellcasters that can take out an ultralisk in one it are awesome.
- They could always replace the ultralisk with a real tank. A behemot with massive hitpoints (500+), 3 or 4 of amors + the upgrades, reduced damage against splash weapons (fire, grenades, mines), and rapid regeneration rate. It would fill the role of the ultralisk, without the speed and the damage output. A huge armored slug or something.
And here's something else. I want the suken and spore colony to be scrapped, and I want all buildings to have the possibility to be upgraded with defensive capabilities. I want my zerg buildings to be huge acid-spitting monsters with tentacles.