171. You spend 20 mins reading what people have said about this topic
172. When u have blood tests and they put the needle in u u say in a low voice "Ahhhh, Thats the stuff"
173. you run around ur backyard making the terran Battlecruiser noise saying "Im ready commander"
174. you spend hours thinking of stuff intelligent to say when these topics arise
175. you constantly refer to urself as "Teh uber expert"
176. u laugh at people herendously when they do not recognise a term such as "LMAO"
177. you are still in love with the game now as much as u were when u bought it on the release date in '98.
178. u have a pencil case that is a plush Zergling .
179. you download replays just so u can watch all the starcraft models.
180. when u view any thing related to starcraft u make a small "awwwwww" noise.
181. u spend more time thinking of symptoms of playing too much than u actually play.
182. in public u enjoy talking about B.Net and how u "pwned some guy".
183. u brag in "Starcraft USA-1" more than u play.
184. u join other channells such as "Starcraft AUS-1" just to say how much the USA Chanell ownz it.(im an aussie btw and i experience this ALL the time).
185. You realise most of the symptoms u have put down u suffer from.
186. u cuddle a small Protoss Probe at night to go to sleep. if u dont have it u wont sleep.
187. U Buy several copies of the game so that just one person has to go without.
188. You continuously post symptoms of overplay.
lol im sorry if i repeated either my own or someone elses but i promise i read the whole forum posts before i replied

thank you