Tiger_shark said:
aside from infested terrans..most underused units are
Terran: Valkyrie
Zerg: Queens
Protoss: Scouts, dark archons
As I can see, you're a player without strategy, you just mass and attack.
The Valkyrie is simply the best anti-air unit, you just only have to know how to use them, if you have a good anti-ground defense, Valks can be unstoppable, the only problem with it is the prize
The Queen can be a real bitch, if you use the Ensnare with incoming units, or in the middle of an invasion, you can crack em with lings in no time.
a couple of broodlings can get rid of those tanks you're just too busy to attack, besides, a line of Siege Mode Tanks are an easy pray, brood some of them, they will attack themselves to destroy the lil bugs, chaos
The parasite is an incredible ally, just put it in dropships, workers or detectors, that way you will see the enemy's base, or put it on ghosts, that way they will cloak to nuke ya, but you'll be seing him, a wasted nuke implies a lot of wasted money.
Scouts... OK, they DO suck
BUT D.A.s! They're simply the BEST energy unit.
There's no need to tell ya why is it so cool to have the Maelstorm, a bunch of DA's can paralyse a big group of BCs, and it gives you enough time to play with em before you kill em.
Feedback is not that useful, but if you have DAs around a big confrontation with BCs, feedback can help, not only damages them, it won't let em shootin the Yamato
Mind Control: SIMPLY THE BEST ATTACK IN THE WHOLE GAME. It have too many uses. I just tell you my favourite one:
Possessing a SCV or a Drone, now you have two races, or the three of em.
BTW: What does this smilie mean? :dance