BattleForums Addict
money maps might take some skill if you are playing some one who kicks @$$ but you wont need much money maps almost lvl the playing feild
I agree with you kirby because I play money maps and im usually zerg. I make every thing and upgrade every thing and you wont know what im going until I make them. With toss sometimes I use archons and arbiters, with terran I sometimes use wraiths to take out their cc, nexus ect.. And you should try a no rules game and see how your theory works. HotActionCop what you sn and when will you be on I would like to play you in a money map.Originally posted by Kirby-![]()
Well, I read all what you said, I agree with some but on the "Most every Zerg player goes this and Most every toss player goes that and Most every terran goes that" I disagree Due to I play both LT and Fastest (for fun) and I usually play Zerg on Fastest and I never even think of guards, muties, and devs I think more of Mass hydras or Ultras to break defense then go hydras to clean it up or muties early to kill main nex, hatch, com center. Basically You have been playing newbs who only try one thing. Suggestion: Go to the games that say stuff like "2v2 Fastest NO NEWBS" You may get different results. Also I doubt you even played that ZC game...sounds too much like what you said ...You should click that edit button and fix it up so it don't sound so much like it ...then it might look real. Heh "Disprove me again"
Shortened Version:
"Disprove me again"![]()
first thing first u have both summaries as money maps and u have skill 10/10 for both of them........and I don't quite agree with that, a person can come from playing a non money map and go play and money map and own people, I have done it, but if you reverse the situation then the money map people will get owned.Originally posted by Kirby-![]()
Well how I see it is (time for a lot).
Money Maps:
Skill: 10/10
The reason I say this is because, although all you do is build build build then attack thats what other people are doing too so now instead of the ladder maps with the wars of around 40 guys it is a war with around 200 guys or so to say a LOT more guys. Also say the enemy has 20 carriers(and you are zerg) what do you go for that? Go a million hydras? Go a bunch of hydras/defilers? Go a million devourers? Go a million hydras and devourers?
Money Maps:
Skill: 0/10
The reason I think this is because what Hot Action Cop said. Hot Action Cop says that it does not require macro, micro and just all out not as fun as Ladder maps. I agree to this because sometimes I like to just have those battles that look "gosu" in the replays like bringing 1 goon and a probe behind it and killing out someones base. HAHA, also in Ladder maps there is a limit due to minerals and gas. (There is not in money maps.) And in money maps all advs, disadvs to the races kind of vanish. I mean think about it Zerg = Build fast. Enter a game called "NR20 Fastest" and Protoss is just like a zerg with 20 mins on his time he can build just as much (or equal strength).
I know thats a lot to read so I doubt anyone will read it.
But if you want a shortended version here ya go.
Money Maps
Skill: 10/10
Big battles = Harder
Lotsa minerals can't die as easy.
Have to think how to counter bigger armies.
Money Maps
Skill: 0/10
No Micro, Macro
No adv's, dis adv's
Total opposite of "Money Maps
Hope ya like my response.