BattleForums Senior Member
i just fight comp when i'm bored well anyway i was protoss and the comp was also protoss. i made the zeal and goon combo. after i found the base i microed my goons and had my zeal up in front i had all my goons hold in in certain places and micro my zeal a little. when the comp attacked with ONLY a small zeal squad. my zeal would go in and attack just before they enter, i would send them abck and of course the comp chased me which the goons shot them. later on i made 1 squad of scouts. now the funny thing was when i saw the comp zeal with my obs i would send in only 1 scout and attacked 1 zeal. when i did the entire squad ran back into their base
kinda funny like 10 zeal vs 1 scout and all retreat and them not even making 1goon or air unit. later i said enough torment so i ended it ownage