Idea's For SC2 Units

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Feb 19, 2004
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I Think There Should Be A Like Sorta like a bunker but it can hold more units but they do less dammage
cause if there is 300 zerglings comming to attack is 4 marines in a bunker going to kill alot? i think there should be like 30 to a bunker and have a pop limit of like 1000 or somtin
But.. putting that into conseradtion that it will lagg


Jan 31, 2004
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I think they should make atleast 10 more units per race, make one or two more races, make the graphics really good... but not so that it's confusing.

An idea can be sub races. Such as... Terran, Protoss, and Zerg can be divided in two, and those two are slightly different...

Perhaps one half can be a slower but stronger race, and the other half is a faster yet weaker race. I don't know how that could come out, but its only an idea...

there needs to be night and day. night and day would be advantages and disadvantages. such as the terran would not see well in the night, and the zerg are weaker in the day. (only a very slight difference though.) but at their bases... they can have something that will stop it.. such as for terran.. they can have towers with bright lights.. and u can equip a sniper in each. and for zerg... they can have something that blocks out the light... such as a huge black cloud.

marines should be advanced... i would find that very fun... you can buy different sorts of weapons in a building.. (possibly the infantry) and... you can buy rifles, snipers, shotguns, flamethrowers, night vision (for having better range at night). possibilities go on forever. this would eliminate the firebat... but i think its just a crazy idea.

making vechiles would include creating the person who drives it. there would be upgrades for the vechile, and also enhanced training for the drivers. such as better aim, better manuevering...

about the aim... starcraft should have missing... everything isn't dead on. an upgrade for any far ranged unit should have some sort of accuracy upgrade.

close ranged units should be able to clash somehow. such as if 2 zealots attack.. both of them can hit at the same time.. and not deal any damage to eachother.. (like if they both hit eachother in the arm.)

there should be a WHOLE different perspective of starcraft :) i think it should be like an underground view... to watch underground units... a underground unit should be able to see an enemy underground unit instead of needing detection. yet... the units above ground wouldnt be able to attack with without detection. and also.. if an underground unit attack an enemy underground.. if cant attack above ground at the same time.. its eather underground attacking or above ground.

i agree with water. water should be involved in starcraft.

the basic units should be more fun... like about the marines i mentioned... zerglings should be able to rip off a marines head or something. but.. there would have to be something to stop it from happening.. possibly an upgrade to teach your marine how to dodge stuff... such as that attack or... a ship crashing into the ground...

i think if ships crashed and did some damage would be a cool idea. only if the ship actually landed dead on.

the men should have different stances.. such as terran... standing, kneeling, proning. obviously when you kneel or prone u dont move very fast.. but also when u kneel or prone, u can get a better shot.

hills should be a huge part in starcraft... the way u can shoot down a hill.. up a hill... where the accuracy is better.. lada lada la...

i would find it cool if they had a first person view, where u can control any unit of yours that u would want to.... and since YOU are controlling it.. it would be better (u can aim for the head and weak spots and shit.) yet when u control the unit... u have to take your eye off your base and stuff.. so it would be kind of rare to see that. (you would still have your minimap to show you when you were being attacked though. i dont know if that would spoil the game or anything though... again.. theese are just off the top of my head lol

i think income should follow up into starcraft from warcraft.

well thats all i got for ideas..

Sniper GTX

Aug 27, 2003
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Hey love your ideas Mystic and I have some new ideas like a pilot unit you kinda like in CnC which would come fom vehicles but the woudn't be helpless like like they would have a pistol and light armor and you get them to another vehicle it give that unit increased RoF and accuracy you know like extra person to help this would work for all vehcles except vulture sense it is a motor cycle but you could use it to get the puilot to another vehicle.

Also the terrans should get a shotgun trooper to replace the firebat that it also could hit more than one unit like the firebat and add more infultration abiliteis to the ghost and make a ninja dude like the DT cuz i think ninjas are Kewl:D :D :D also you should also be able to make heroes that speicial abilities but no lvling like in WC.


Jan 31, 2004
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thanks for liking my idea :D
Pretty good idea that u mentioned also.

Making heroes for SC could be complicated :p.
Possibly a "leader" or something.

Like... that one leader/hero should be the main person of your squad. Without that leader you wouldn't be able to give your units special commands.

As in my idea... where you can control first person...
THAT first person mode should be ONLY the leader...


Mar 11, 2004
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I have a few ideas for SC2 even though if blizzard even reads this bliz will proly jus throw it away and satisfy me some other way.
1. It's been said ( by duran himself ) that there is going to be a hybrid zerg protoss race. I think it would be cool for the infested toss ( maybe even hybrid terran zerg race ) to have like a tentacle thing that could be used as a special attack ( possibly a one hit kill ) or as a means for escape. For example, if your forces are outnumbered you can use the tentacles to pull to safety. Of course to keep it fair and balanced, there would have to be a way for other races to catch up to them.

2. I think units should be able to climb over walls and up cliffs, but be vulnerable while they climb. If the hybrid zerg toss/terran races had tentacles, they should be the fastest. I think zerg should be the second fastest, climbing with the claws most all of their units have. Then terran, and then protoss. But wioth protoss, only the high templar, dark templar, and zealot should be able to climg. I mean, can you really picture a dragoon or reaver climbing a wall? and the ultralysk shouldnt be able to climg either, too big. An advantage of terrans could be that there large machine units could have dispatchable claws that take them up the cliff making climbing accesible to all terran units.

3. I think all buildings should have some type of ( destroyable and rebuildable ) self defense. Terran buildings could have maching guns on the walls, that fire about as fast and do the perhaps 6 - 10 damage, verying on the building. For protoss, there could be a smaller version of the photon cannon, just weaker, maybe about 10-15 damage. And zerg could have a tenticle attack like the sunken colony, only at about half the damage as the sunken. All these self defenses should be destroyable and rebuildable.

4. All races should have some kind of trap. A scv should have a special option for building traps and turrets. Like turrets in "instalation" type maps, the hidden ones, scv's should be able to buildem and they should match the ground there on. And scv's should be able to build mines similar to the spider mine. Probes could build something like a energy mine, exploding in a blue blast when stepped on. And maybe for zerg infested terrans could explode underground, but do less damage. Infested terrans should do less damage all together. 500 is way too much in my opinion.

5. If there was an infested terran race, it would be kinda lame if you think about it. Machine units like tank goliath vulture and all air units wouldnt seem right without a pilot and i cant picture zerg piloting them. And the infantry terran units just wouldnt look right, with guns and being infested.

6. I read an earlier idea segmant by mystic. Alot of my ideas are based on his. I likes most of his ideas. The digging seems to make sense, but i think you should be able to dig under walls and stuff, but it would take a long time.


Jan 31, 2004
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Nice ideas :D.
It would be pretty cool with climbing.

The thing is that Blizzard can't go over board with it...
Otherwise its so good that its confusing.

In other words... you don't know what the hell is happening lol.

Building on CLAN_RP's idea, perhaps Protoss should'nt climb at all :p... maybe they should have some kind of "transport device." Perhaps a Zealot may carry, but the transport was only powerful enough just to get up a cliff.

hmm... a new Protoss air unit... A huge slow armored unit... with like two transportes on the sides of the wings... And in order to transport though it.. you would have to build a "transporting building" at your base to link to that air craft... plus you would have to land the aircraft on the ground. it would take up lots of psi and minerals

oo.. i just thought of something else.. for very big big guns... they should be able to lock on! i think that would be very cool. and aircraft can shoot flares and stuff :D

a new kind of unit for terran needs to be a monster machine. something outstanding. Perhaps a huge ass goliath type thing. With like 10 machine guns and like 2 rocket launchers.... it would cost LOTS of psi... and the weapons should jam if the unit gets hit ... so it would be fair... perhaps the "huge goliath" gets hit by a huge blast... 3/4 of the guns will jam for about ten seconds...


Mar 11, 2004
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Mystic thanks for the feedback man and i wanna say i like your ideas. But theres stuff i wanted to add but forgot. An upgraded stim pack for example. Jus so u know i will use the word cool, and cool means the time between one attack and another. The stimpack im thinking about is for medic marine firebat and ghost. it speeds you up so fast the ghosts rifle sounds like a machine gun. there is no noticable cool between your attacks. but it would take down most all of your life. i suppose that would be kinda complicated though.... kinda like sc on crack.
another idea! bridges. there should be bridges. Terran bridges should be hightech and armored, and not accesible to anyone but u unless they busted through the armor and there would be small self defense turrets in the bridge. For toss, it could be a energy bridge, killing anyone who walks on it exept the units of the people who built it. of course there would have to be a power source or sometthing u could kill and the bridge would still be up or the bridge would just go away. itd be like a psi bridge. The zerg bridge could possibly impale anyone who uses it with tentacle like thins. Terran bridges could be repairable and zerg bridges could be " killed " but the bridge would still be there, just a dead organism that would slowly decay away into nothing.
One last thing, i would keep shuttles and sropships and overlords and all but there could be other units whos main focus is attack but could also carry units. Like science vessels and battlecruisers could carry units, and carriers, and queens could possibly turn organic units into much smaller beings, take them inside the queen, and the queeen cant ake themsomewere and dispatch them at full size.I suppose zerg ground units ( all exept the ultralisk ) could ride on scourges and mutalisks and queens and jump off. i suppose toss zealots and dt's and high temps could maybe ride em too. and man i have so many ideas... Wraiths, scourges, mutalisks, valkyries, scouts and corsairs should be able to bust into large units like battlecruisers science vessles overlords and carriers and kill them from the inside, but there should be units inside the large units to defend the inside. Long ranged units should be able to shoot out of unit carrying units. If a unit carrier has units inside it and is destroyed, the units should live but be damaged. One last idea, i kinda got this from mystics monster gol idea, a super weapon of somekind for each race! the terrans could have a huge cannon that takes a long time to build and takes a long time to charge but when fired destroyes everything within a certain area. but the area u fire at must be currently visible or atleast have been seen before so it isnt completely black. the protoss i have 2 ideas for. 1. a large psi cannon kinda like the terran cannon 2. a warp rift that transfers units to any area that has been seen before without the need of building in the enemy base. it jus transfers the units there. For zerg it could be a huge sunken colony with a huge, or possibly several small tenticles that can travel underground from one corner of the map all the way to the other destroying one building or unit. of course it can be used more then once, but it takes forever to be used after the first time. just like the other super weapons. Another idea would be like a huge spore colony. it would fire a gigantic spore at a enemy base causing a plauge like effect to everything it hits!
One last idea from me. this could be for the hybrid toss zerg or jus the reg zerg. Genetically engineered or mutated giant zerg units. every zerg unit only giant. they could only have one of these per game and when it burrows it can sometimes be seen without a detector and attacked, with reduced damage. The giant lurker could send a line of spikes all the way to a enemy base killing everything in its path, even u. i realize i have given zerg alot of advantages, but i jus came up with alot of ideas for them. Thats all i got!


Mar 11, 2004
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oy once again i forgot something my super stim speeds up terran infantry like they run fast and everything, not jus walk but the pixel physichally runs! but ghosts marines and firebats can run out of ammo and have to go to the nearest teran building to get another supply of ammo. the medic will move and heal faster. protoss units can ru out of psi and go to a protoss building to get recharged, only it would sap the buildings energy shield. or they could take it from there own or other protoss units energy sheilds. they could steal psi from any unit with energy ( high temps dark archons ghosts etc. ). Zerg's blades coudl get dulled down or break. they go to a zerg building and put them in the building to regrow them. Do i seem like a fanatic yet!?!??!?! BWAHAHA. i live in a cookie... OMFG i just thought of one last thing. While two dark templars or high templars are fusing, if you time it right you can get a third unit of any race in there! if you time it well enuf you could get an infinet amount of units in there, but anything past three would jus turn it into a "ultimarchon" possibly of 9999 stats! lol. and idif units would change the outcome of the archon. also a dark and high templa should be able to fuse, forming a archon of any color with the physichal atttributes and attack of a archon and the spells and mc of a dark archon. this shjould also be changeable by fusing with any unit if u time it right :D man im insane! i think i smoked too much- uhh whats it called...... were the hell am i...


Jan 31, 2004
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Outstanding idea CLAN_RP_! And... good sense of humor.. lol.
I liked just about everything :D

I have an idea! :D If a unit gets shot in a spot (leg or arm) your arm or leg just rips off! This is where a medic of some kind would come in handy... The medic can drag your unit behind a rock or something and do quick aid. If your unit is badly injured... it can go to a (new building) med care center (for terran) and get taken care of. If it looses something, it can get it replaced.

PSI needs some kind of difficulties to it. Perhaps some "needs".

... now how amazing would it be to have little windows showing you the animation of your nuke falling from the sky... they should have some tiny views about two inches wide and an inch long in the bottom right corner of your screen. It would should a small view of your attacks... (they would be enormously huge attacks though) think of your nuke falling... you watch it fall from outer space .. past the clouds... and onto your target... and then see the explosion after wards. It wouldnt have a movie they just make for it... but it would actually show the GAME in it background of the nuke.... kind of hard to explain... kind of like if the nuke was falling from the sky.. and its showing an overhead view.. you would actually see whats below... it would show whats EXACTLY below the nuke.. hope you guys understand

AMAZING special unit idea CLAN_RP!!! That would be GREAT. They should have like five to choose from in each race.

Units should be able to hide by rocks.. but have something to be done automatically in battle.



Jan 31, 2004
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Outstanding idea CLAN_RP_! And... good sense of humor.. lol.
I liked just about everything :D

I have an idea! :D If a unit gets shot in a spot (leg or arm) your arm or leg just rips off! This is where a medic of some kind would come in handy... The medic can drag your unit behind a rock or something and do quick aid. If your unit is badly injured... it can go to a (new building) med care center (for terran) and get taken care of. If it looses something, it can get it replaced.

PSI needs some kind of difficulties to it. Perhaps some "needs".

... now how amazing would it be to have little windows showing you the animation of your nuke falling from the sky... they should have some tiny views about two inches wide and an inch long in the bottom right corner of your screen. It would should a small view of your attacks... (they would be enormously huge attacks though) think of your nuke falling... you watch it fall from outer space .. past the clouds... and onto your target... and then see the explosion after wards. It wouldnt have a movie they just make for it... but it would actually show the GAME in it background of the nuke.... kind of hard to explain... kind of like if the nuke was falling from the sky.. and its showing an overhead view.. you would actually see whats below... it would show whats EXACTLY below the nuke.. hope you guys understand

AMAZING special unit idea CLAN_RP!!! That would be GREAT. They should have like five to choose from in each race.

Units should be able to hide by rocks.. but have something to be done automatically in battle.



Mar 11, 2004
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Okay, i just tried to post this but somethign went wrong... so im just gonna list the ideas.
1.super units: terran: stronger armor, move faster, more damage, can switch battle suits/vehicles/aircrafts. possibly a giant goliath like robot.
drawbacks: machinery can be damaged freezing or destroying the robot, or a certain "weakspot" can be attacked making it either be completely destroyed or temporarily paused. It can be piloted by a enemy terran, ( kinda like being stolen ) and used against you, or can go on auto pilot, and if it goes beserk wile onautopilot itl kill anything in its path, even u.
zerg: Possibly huge versions of regular zerg units, or a huge beast kindof resembling other units, yet still different. Faster, stronger carapace, possibly have the ability to fly and land.
drawbacks: have to be chained up for no rush in the first part, and could go beserk and destroy everything around it in a fit of rage, including you.
protoss: a pure energy being, kinda like a archon exept huge, and not shaped like a ball. it could just be a huge archon though. ability to hover over walls and water for a short period of time.
drawbacks: When it kills it gets the dead beings energy, and if it gets too much energy it explodes killing everything around it, u too again. All super units will have better a.i., be seemingly invincible to small groups of enemies making them great antirush, but must stay in the vicinity of your base for a while so u cant rush with it.
2. training and vehicles.
Barrackses, command centers, factories, and starports should have options of increasing or decreasing pilot time, wheatherit be a pilot of a marine battle suit or a bahemith class battle cruiser. short and regular trained time pilots could only stay in one suit/vehicle and short traind pilots may mess up and attack there own allies or something. but anyone trained to the first level after regular can switch vehicles, however if your a terran infantry unit u can only switch infantry suite, iof your a groud vehicle pilot u can only switch ground vehicles, and if your only a air pilot u can only land and switch aircrafts. but anything past that can sswithc ground suits and vehicles. also vehicle and suit pilots should be killable, leaving the vehicle or suit still useable. like u can find a damaged suit or vehicle on the battlefield, still unocupied, repair it if u wish, and put a civilian in it. If you train a unit for a certain amount of time, like u train a marine for 50 seconds = expert marine and 130 seconds = super marine or something like that. and it your trained for long enuf u can find medical stuff and use it on u or allies. I likes mystic's ideas about limbs rippin off and stuff, but i think if theres a shot to the head or chest like a lucky shot it should be a one hit kill, and if a limb is ripped off the person should slowly die unless patched up by a medic, but then it can only stay on the ground and shoot. thats only if a leg is ripped off. if a arm or other limb is ripped off u can stand up but ull fire slower.
3. stationary guns. you should be able to build stationary guns and put civs at them or something. like u could put a bunch at your base for defens eor line em up outside a enemys base.
They should be heavy, armor piercing guns, with the range of a sieged take, cuz when there stationary there easier to aim. But the user of the gun should be vulnerable when attacked from the side or from behind. Unless there could be a way to build a protective dome around the user of the gun. there should be men inside missle turrets. Thats all i got for now, ill be back! :D HEAD MY WARNING! pork rynes are fattening... fear my toung of death... and tremble! TREMBLE!


Jan 31, 2004
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LoL! Tremble!!!

Alright... hmm think... think! *scratches head*

Alright. I GOT IT! :D

Well, I really liked that thing with the protoss energy recieving.. and if it recieve too much, it explodes. Ill add a bit to that. They should have a "energy gauge." This would slowly slide down (if you have energy). If you did not wait for it to slide down, and you attack everything and recieve energy... you explode. Obviously when the gauge fills up... That can be stragetic for attacks... send in some of those units full of energy and get ready to attack one more time to explode, and blow up a squad to enemies :D

hmm running out of ideas... haha

umm i totally agree with those stationary guns... very good idea.

about ammo... thats a good idea..

alright heres one... if a marine carries a big gun... it walks slower... such as a rocket launcher.. or machine gun... rifle men would run a bit faster, and submachine gunners would run the fastest. pistols and combat knives should be equiped also :p

terran goliath transforming: this should be fun :p you should be able to transform goliaths into eachother to make different vechiles...

zerg unit: a scorpion shaped zerg :D... it would have a huge curving tail with a sharp razer. it would have zerg characteristics and all.. it would just be a different look.

protoss improvement :D: building pylons are not only for increasing your psi and letting you be able to build more, but it will also raise your "energy level"... by having building run on energy.. it will decrease your energy meter. it would take a long time to run out... but it will eventually if you dont take care of it... when you run out of energy.. everything disables for a short amount of time... and will repeat doing it until you gain more energy... you would be able to enable and disable buildings. by disabling it, it will stop running the energy from that building 100%. There will be upgrades... 1.) Energy reducer (reduces energy use by 50%). 2)Automatic Disabler (disables buildings the split second it is not upgrading or training a unit) and you will be able to build energy plants to increase your energy gauge.

protoss's untis should have their own energy level, since they are robotic. this energy level would only be for their shield (not ANOTHER shield... but the same one from starcraft... only in sc2.. you would have to activate the shield.) and to be more powerful.. almost like a stimpack but used on energy.

thats all i got for now.. CLAN_RP_... smoking is bad for the lungs.
LOL right back

Sniper GTX

Aug 27, 2003
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I like your other ideas guys and have some of my such as say you trained a wraith and get in fights with other planes alot he become a fighter ace and could be at figting air then if you wanted him to even better at fighting air switch him to a valkryie while the valkryie pilot takes the wraith then if you kept switching the pilot to other vehicles he clould better with every vehicle such as being a expert at Anti air Anti ground recon artillery and mechanics also he pilots should be able to get of their vehicle to repair their vehicle and would eject if it got desroyed pilots would be able to get in another and if the player chooses he could take a vehcle to different buildins for custom parts like for instance taking a seige tank to the machine shop and getting 30mm chain guns to defend against air and the go to the armory to get extra armor and then go to the the space port to get custom boosters to go faster then ususal and back to the pilot idea say you got a really good pilot and you don't want him to die take him to the barracks to learn how rto be a marine and get the armor then learn medic skills. So you could have a flly expert pilot with a machine gun that could heal other people with a custom built seige tank that he could repair. that would be ownage. Also you could do the reverse and teach expert marines to pilot vehicles that at first they would be worse than a regular pilot from pilot school but could learn to adapt.


Jan 31, 2004
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I agree... OWNAGE. lol... but the game can't be TOO complicated. and somehow the other races would need something as good...

anyways.. thats a supercool idea.

Sniper GTX

Aug 27, 2003
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Well it would be a plus for expert players that are good at microing and i thought of an idea for a hero system like asay if a marine gets a lot of kills he would go up ranks then when he got enough kills he would get a randomly generated name that would give him a bigger attack boost and have extra abilities but would not be so powerful that a about 6 hydras could take him.
it would work for the zerg the same way except that the unit would go back to base and evolve mor to a hunter killer or what not. then the protoss say you had a great zealot that got bonus attack but then he died then the next dragoon you make will have the same kills and attack bonuses. those are my ideas.


Feb 24, 2004
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i dont really know whats going on,and since i only read the first page of this thread, hers an idea for a new race:

machines. ohh yeah theyd be like spidery n stuff heehee i love machines i dont see why nobody has suggested that...unless i was reading a dif page...


I'm very disappointed right now. Reading so many ideas from fans and such yet only a few worthy of SC2. I have to get this off my chest some of your ideas are very idiotic. Most of you don't understand how this game works. There is a balance and by creating most of the units you thought up you would disrupt the balance. Sc was such a masterpiece as not one race could dominate the other. Even 1 hp can be the end of the balance that makes a strategy game fun. Now I will tell you a few ideas so you can expand upon these.

A| A small change but adding the attack feature to spider mines making them more effective if done with manual use.

B| A possible reverse feedback type skill for high templar that does damage equal to the amount of energy you have. Although it may be uneffective as psionic storm is kinda like this.

C| Fixing the valkyrie problem (had to add that couldn't resist :D)

D| The Underground moving idea was good although the balancer for this would be its visible when it moves underground

E| a long range non-splash type unit. Horrible hps and a damage of 15-20 or maybe very low fire rate would balance this. A ghost fits this BUT the canister rifle is a piercing type weapon so the damage is only 25% to heavy armor units (tanks, ultralisks, most air) and 50% to medium armor (hydralisk and Defiler).|

***remember almost every unit has a counter unit on other races so any new units would probably trigger a need for 2 other units for the other races to counter the unit.***

F| A contagious skill kinda like irradiate but actually spreads from unit to unit (will not make the unit run around like a chicken with its head cut off like irradiate). Also even when being spread it still has a reduced affect time and only reduces hps by 1 not 3.(possibly attach to scourge after upgrade or new suicide type unit)

G| I slightly agree with the infested terrans having a second attack as mass producing them is hard and only effective in high numbers. Maybe even adding more armor to them.

H| This may be unbalanced but invisible air mines might be a good addition for terrans. Their anti-air is pretty bad concidering the valkyrie problem and a wraith is barely better than a mutalisk and is horrible against scouts (unless there are no detectors :( )

I| Maybe a melee unit for terran as it lacks one -_-. Exception being when you make a marine (Zerg) explode ^_^. Again firebats fit this slightly but they are the same as ghosts in their damage being reduced to 25% against heavy types and 50% against medium armor.

J| Again for Terran a possible morphable (upgrade change) unit as again both other races have them (Lots of zerg units and Archon morphs for Protoss).

K| Just to hit on mobile defensive structures this is a big no-no. Just think really hard of what you could do with mass mobile defensive structures.

L| Last one promise its your turn soon :D. This may be unbalanced but adding splash to the yamato cannon would be make it more usuable for perhaps a mass hydra rush... or mass defensive structures.


Feb 24, 2004
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ok ok ok this is my impersonation of this guy:
"hey everyone look at me my name is master_blaster all your ideas are stupid mine are the best you dont understand how the game is blah blah blah think about mine there better" this isnt a thread about your ideas buddy anyone can supply an idea sure some of them suck but nobody says anything right?? lets just go about making ideas for SC2.

*with apologies to master_blaster[HH] i know you dont sound like that it was more for the effect :p
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