Idea's For SC2 Units

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BattleForums Senior Member
Sep 5, 2002
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Bin Laden's Secret
I can't think, cuz I didn't understand it..

There could be a new unit for all races that lets them get better sight, like a watch tower that can't attack. Sorta like the lil towers on Age of The Empires II


Oct 23, 2002
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Nether land
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stop making suggestions for universal units for all races its dull and gay, the races should be as diffrent as posible!



Nov 8, 2002
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I recon that Terren should have sort of flying rines sort of like with jet-packs like in red-alert II but they arnt that powerful and not very much HP they can be made in bunches like the Zerg srouges


Nov 8, 2002
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Sylvan that all the races should be as different as possible because then on B-net different races have different ability and different strenths and weakness and it would make B-net alot more interesting


Nov 8, 2002
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I also think that Sc2 should have the hero aspect like in warcraft3 and have the levels of the unit like in warcraft and i should have all the water units aswell.


Nov 8, 2002
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I think that in StarcraftII they should still have the same 3 races but develop them and add more units new building if theres any more rases the game will probaly be too big and confusing


Nov 8, 2002
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I dont like that ****ed subtitle under my name that says newb how the **** can u chage it? send me an message

(i bet your thinking what a ****ing newb in your head right now)


Sep 28, 2002
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Heroes wouldn't fit in SC2. BW and WC3 are 2 totally different games, i doubt i will be playing SC2 if they add heroes...

Emperor Pan I

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Aug 8, 2002
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Originally posted by AKA-47
Heroes wouldn't fit in SC2. BW and WC3 are 2 totally different games, i doubt i will be playing SC2 if they add heroes...
I disagree, you could make Jim raynor as a hero, or a strong marine for bnet.

You could make Infested Kerrigan, or like infested soldiers for Bnet.

A Zeratul or a DT hero.
Heros add an amzing aspect to the game, i would love Heros in SC.


Nov 10, 2002
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In my woods...
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The Terrans need a melee unit because dark swarm can kick their grass anytime. Maybe a low end factory unit or even after u get an armory u can build it out of the command center. Like a loader from "aliens" or a vehicle that like backs up and rams into things


Oct 27, 2002
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Well.. not a unit but i think there should be day and night like War3, also like War3 there should be a unit that cloaks at night(no energy) and visible during day or/and cloak/uncloak during the day(energy using)


Nov 12, 2002
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In front of my PC, playin SC.
U know what I think? :)) ...ofcourse u don't!

...i think there DEFINETELY should be water units (i can see it now: terran ship-transporter lands by the zerg base and drops m&m :))) ...but then SC engine should be changed a little bit.
Also there should be more interaction with map:
*caves (like bunkers with certain amount of capacity, where u could hide and/or shoot, i dunno).
*walls - good idea, in addition there should be ramps, not those - map ramps, but ones u could actualy build! ...that could be alternative for drop maybe :)
*if there would be water there should be (oh crap, i dunno this in english, u know, racing ships with huge engines? ye, something like vultures but in water, and it could lay water mines :)) how's that? :)) also, workers could build bridges :)) ...ship-base :)
*i wouldn't mind if there would me more different level of heights, not like there is now - 2 or 3, more...

hmm.... what else? oh i know, GRAPHICS!!!

first of all i think the engine should be the same, or mostly the same, cause u know :) - water!! . Engine should be similar because lots of ppl use old PC's, for example, my friend bought 3 pcs for 250$ and made LAN, and if i remeber it was 133mhz and 16ram and it SC worked great. now imagine what would happen if SC would use W3 engine - SH*T! that's what would happen...
well maybe it should need more powerfull pC's :) but i would say req's shouldnt be higher than 500mhz, 64ram :/
ok, now SC graphics in my dreams:
>>>resolution 600x800 or 1024x768
>>>better effects (well if there is higher res, there would be better graphics anyway :)
>> ee... hmm... more realistic animations 'n' stuff ... like 5 diffrent death animation for every unit, or even 5 diffrent styles of every same unit, like u build 4 marines and all of em are different a bit, awesom huh?
what else, oh f*ck it's 2am, school tomorow, ok im finioshing, what else? hm......
oh...... races
eeh, i dont have time for this:
more units
maybe more races, but that could break the balance between'em which is very good now....

ok that's it for now , comment me, but dont mind my english, im only 4 months in US....


Nov 12, 2002
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In front of my PC, playin SC.
Oh man, i font think u'll read this ALL :))

Ok, i've read all these posts and came up with best ideas, if I didn't mentioned some of your ideas here, that doesn't mean it was bad, because maybe i forgot.... Ok, i dont want to forget anymore, so i'll put some notes for myself while typing:

1. Additional transport(ers)
2. Environment
3. subraces - good idea, no new races!!!
4. BC, and other units could do more stuff...
5. Terran mechanical units' explosions
6. "Watch towers"
7. Superior units

ok, sound interesting?

1. there was very good idea about zerg underground transport. also, someone said about unit for all races, well here it is:
Zerg should have worm-transporter witch would go underground ofcourse, but then all races should have something to destroy them with, but it could work out like this: When worm travels, u dont see anything except worm, so if u dont know map well, it's useless to go on unexplored area :) And the only way to kill worm would be when its on surface: it could apear on surface while droping other units, and it should need air or something so it could be under ground for a limited time, also, if u would try to unborow with worm while being under the base (or unit), u would hear a sound like failing to build a base because something is in your way :). and then maybe lets say worm tries to unborow and hit cc :))) terran somehow could notice that, but i donnt know how, maybe like nuclear launch detected? - like worm activity detected or something like that :) would be fun :))
ok, i wrote too much.
Transporter for Terrans: Heavily armed and i think fast ground unit witch could transport other units just like dropship. It would be great for going through tanks, cannons, colonies etc defences and droping units behind them. Also maybe this "truck" could crush small units because otherwise enemy could block it easily on the ramp or anywhere else...
I dont know what would be good for protoss. Maybe not expensive unit with normal or maybe big hp and i dont know what speed :) slow/normal/fast ...but anyway it could only drop once and then disapear.... it should look like that big blue round shit with 350 shield (forgot how is it called). I think that would bring more fun to the game , and defence would become bigger matter....

2. Environment as i've already mentioned, i wish there would be caves where some units could hide, also trees, oh i forgot there are trees already :) so thats it i think...

3. I must say that new races could easily break the balance of the game and it would became stupid, and soon, there would be only one or two superior races (when playing online)...
Subraces could work out, it would be basicly the same but each subrace would have small difrences between them, here are some suggestions on terran subraces:
one race could make normal marines, other could make them with machineguns or maybe eith better armor but lets say they would suck on tanks and stuff like that....

4. it would be fun if BC, Carrier, Tank, Goliath etc could do more stuff:
BCs could transport two small units (marines, firebats,medics,ghosts,scv's)
After tank explodes (or if u want more realistic game, when tank has very low HP) marine get out of it or driver with a rifle :)
..same thing with goliath, vulture, and maybe BC, wraith, valkyre,Sci-vessel and dropship - they could use parachute :))
..Nothing mutch about zergs and protoss on this section :)

5.All units that explode should make splash damage, but not much, just to add more fun to game :) and yeeee, air units could fall ....or explode in the air if attacked hard, and if lets say BC falls on the ground it makes splash like i dunno, hmm... like twice weaker than vulture mine.
Zerg, when zerglings or more possible hydras die, it should make acid splash, but not big, so if there is firebats around it, theu could loose some HP.
Same thing with protoss, when zealot or other energy-based unit dies, energy splashes and other technical units loose some HP.
That would make sence: example, if u kill one dragoon between many other nothing happens because dragoons dont make energy splash, but if lets say zealot fights fith goliath, tank or vulture, it may kill them after dying :)

6. another great idea, pitty its not mine :)
watch towers should cost cheap, each race should have them. and it shouldn't see cloaked units, just reveal more space than normal unit or building...

7. finaly, super units, i heard some ideas about flying bunkers, 5 combined dragoons, mutated ultra, etc...
every race should have its super unit. ofcourse it could be killed easyly unless u'd use it wisely. It should be hard to get that unit for every race, but every race should get it in totaly difrent way...
for example, (maybe stupid, but in this topic there can be way more suggestions) zerg ultralisk would need to "eat" 6 marines, 3 zealots or 12 zerglings. and i say eat, not just kill, i dont know but lets say he would get enough some organic sh*t from them and then it would get ability tu mutate into lets say superlisk :)))) and than it would become i dont know, just super unit witch is totaly new topic to talk about :)
Terran maybe would have to "capture some kind of enemies unit with scvs maybe and bring it to comand center and then make super unit :)
Protoss could mind control some kind of units and when it would have all of them, he could create their super unit, just like those two electricians joins and makes that blue shit (350shield).
Few more very iimportant things about this idea:
It would mostly depend on you, if your enemy could get his super unit or not, because u could not make unit, he needs :) or maybe he needs zerg for his super unit and u r terran, but thats not a problem........ because i want to sleep:) 3am now, im not going to school tomorow :)))

ok, if u have any coment about these thoughts, post, but i think they r all prety good ones :) ...oh and dont forget water idea! ...witch isn't neccesarry :)


BattleForums Senior Member
Sep 5, 2002
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Bin Laden's Secret
I got a new idea and I don't know why I didn't think of it before! Para-Troopers!! This could be an awesome upgrade for Wraiths. It would give them the ability to hold 6-8 small units (No Tanks, Goliaths, ect...) Of course it would have to be teched to. They should be able to attack while falling, which will make them act as a air unit temparaly, which would bring lots of new strats to the game. Their hang time shouldn't be a huge amount of time, maybe about 5-8 seconds. But the cons would be something like they take 10% more damage then usuall or they can make the parachute act as a tempary unit which the enemy can attack and cause you Marines or whatever to go free falling :)

Next idea should be a worker upgrade, like a speed upgrade or allow them to hold 15 instead of 8 minerals. It would have to be teched to though.

Next.. A new Zerg spell which would be similiar to Plague. Hydralisk could be equipped with it. It would be Acid Pool which would make a well... Pool of Acid. It couldn't move and it would cost a hell of alot of energy. It couldn't hurt buildings and it would do about 2-3 damage per second, which would be handy when when you here "Nuclear Launch Detected" Another downfall would be that it couldn't hurt hovering units or workers.


Nov 12, 2002
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In front of my PC, playin SC.
....very good idea about scv upgrade,but not speed for sure. Carrying more minerals - that would be totaly new kind of upgrade. Every race should have it. And one more thing, witch was stupid: 15 instead of 8 ??? I thinks that's way too much! Here how I think upgrades should be:
"Worker can carry 9 krystals or gas, Level 1" - 200/150
"Worker can carry 10 krystals or gas, Level 2" - 400/300
"Worker can carry 12 krystals or gas, Level 3" - 600/450

...or something like that....
Nov 13, 2002
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I like cows..
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I think you should be able to put units inside buildings like store scvs inside your command center or have infantry sleep inside barracks also it would be cool to have it switch from day to night.. And it would be the best idea of all if simar duran was actually a xel naga and he was a spy and the xel naga come to destroy everything.. And for units it would be totaly cool if the xel naga had like sort of like same units as toss/zerg only greatly modified.. And the xel naga should be able to possess units.. Not like mind control just posess them and make them attack there own men.. Also the xel naga should be able to teleport units kinda like an arbiter only alot cooler.. And they should have larger buildings.. not stronger just larger.. And there should be some attack where they harness random energy from the sky and it comes down and nails a whole bunch of enemy units :D that would be the shiznit K im done :p


Oct 29, 2002
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the hell ill tell u, lol
1. spy - only against command center, able to steal information, reveal everything the enemy has for a few seconds, and one upgrade the enemy has(only one level). extremely weak, costs a lot, should be used when an expansion falls to ur hands.

2. underground facility - a secret facility built under ground for detecting enemy units approaching u by receiving the shockwaves on the ground, thus letting you know when the enemy's force is coming.(range could be upgraded, kind of like a shockwave radar)

1. shield drainer - small flying probes, only works against protoss. Its job is to steal the shield from enemy units and transferring to your units when the distance between the two units are in short range. Easy to counter, though the speed of transfer could be upgraded, making it more annoying for ur enemy.

2. templar should have warp spells. e.g. by creating a temporary wormhole thus ur units could get through(only ground units) , allies could use it too, thus making it useful in ally maps. or the warp spell could somehow trapping one enemy unit in another dimension until it breaks out, time depending on the unit.

1. metal armour upgrade - like the protoss shield, this upgrade would protect the flesh of zerg units by deploying a metal armour. Though doesn't last long, still effective.

2. sunken - the queen's ability to set a trap in the ground, so when medium - heavy units go onto it, they will be trapped for a period of time. They could be attacked when trapped.

3. speed upgrade for guardians and devourers - very expensive, and you get the idea of the upgrade.

4. guardian suicide - upgrade which sacrafices your guardian, but deal lots of damage splash unit to the units (ground and air). only available when you have at least five hatcheries and all the buildings built.

though these ideas might sound stupid, i still feel like saying them :p
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