Well... I know the best way to make a rush with 6 lings. After exactly 3 minutes u'll make 6 lings. And with toss first zealot is made probably after 3:30 or 4 minutes (i didn't checked). so if your enemy dont make 2 zealots when u get to his ramp, u'll win

Here how it goes:
- morph all 9 drones to get ore.
- when you have ~150 take one drone which just put ore to hatchery and bring him where u want to build pool (and build it

- morph 9th drone again.
- while it morphs, wait and morph overlord.
- with 9th drone build gas.
- when u have 50, morth 9th drone again

and cancel gas, send the drone to ore or to scout if u want (now u have 10/9 units

- when the last drone morphs, send him to ore obviously

- now just wait a few seconds and once overlord and pool are done (about the same time) morph 6 lings.
That's it, thats the fastest lings rush u could make. After those 6 lings u can make some more and then built 2nd hatchery or stop building lings (if u failed the rush) and build hatchery once u have 300.
If u're opponent knows how to play, u'll probably fail unless he is very close to your 'home'. In that case there is 99% chance that u'll win. So if u c that he is right next to u, DO THIS RUSH, ull win, i know
...oh, i forgot, did i mention that this rush is mostly for ZvP (i didn't tried it on ZvT yet).