The Sunken Colony doesn't do it's primary 40 damage to a lot of units. Notice how marines don't die in one hit?
I would assume that has to do with the Sunken Colonies weapon type, perhaps it's explosion or something; I'm not sure; I'll check with Arsenal tonight.
The GRP files in StarDat and BrooDat are the same as the GRX files from WarCraft II except witha different extension. Because of this; modding WarCraft II units into StarCraft is incredibly easy.
There are unused Terran missions on the original disc. Either one or two extra. They are corrupted; but you can open thwm with third party editors and save to make them playable. I forget what they're about, but it's after the 6th or 7th Terran mission.
If you sit in the terran tutorial briefing for about a minute, it shows random messaged occasionally and eventually gives you a recipe for Chinese Chicken Soup or something. There's no more after that, I checked by extracting the map and looking at the strings,

SCVs, Photon Cannons, Sunken Colonies, Missile Turrets, Psionic Storm, Infested Terrans, and a few other things are upgradeable. Instead of beign set to have no upgrade, they have use one of the "unkown upgrades" in StarCraft that is no longer used. Using StarForge, you can set an upgrade value and the units will do a lot mroe damage if you set a high number (it doesn't show the upgrade amount; but you'll notice with the damage amount). This can make Psionic Storm Ãœber rigged in a UMS game.
If you have a Warith or a Ghost being cloaked by an Arbiter, then you can't cloak or uncloak them. If it's cloaked, then it will gain energy or the energy will not change (I forget which). I assume this is because of how the StarCarft engine is designed, and allowing those options while being cloaked would cause StarCraft to screw up the cloaking flags and possibly crash.
Duke had sex with Kerrigan.... No, really,

If you open up some maps from the campaign in StarEdit; you'll get some errors about doodads. This is ebcause some of the stuff in Blizzards maps they cheated with and used the tiles instead of the doodads; or something like that.