Whoever says Broodlings suck, should be beaten with a sockful of quarters. They own anything one hit (From the Queen), and i use them against those Tanks that just don't stop camping & pissing you off.
Originally posted by nschneid
eat up battleships too.
Is that a fact?Originally posted by killerme
I would have to say that the worst unit is the vulture.
It can lay mines, and can move fast, but it has almost no attack power, and can practicially die to a marine!
Obviously I disagree, and you'd know that if you read my other posts... They (imho) support tanks or other units by killing those 'small' units... mines are good at both recon and killing.. At 75minerals I say it's awesome... yeah I guess they suck at destroying buildings, but they're still pretty cool...Originally posted by killerme
I would have to say that the worst unit is the vulture.
It can lay mines, and can move fast, but it has almost no attack power, and can practicially die to a marine!
Concussive damage.(not good against large targets) Nukes... Yeah right. Try pulling that of against a decent player. Cloaking... don't count on it. Lockdown....unless you have godly micro, good luck.Originally posted by sakuhta
High enough damage, plus nukes, plus lockdown, plus cloak. I'd say they're just fine..
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I still say that the overlord kicks you'r ass.
Its just a game. If the nuke was like that in the game, terran would dominate late game, especially againsts zerg.Originally posted by betaalpha5
question if a nuke is soppose to have a lot of things liek the atom bomb. wouldn't the radation hurt the other orangic units since they are hurt and infected?
lmfao..nope. Besides air man ultras own. IF they ave max armor and the extra armor upgrade from the "Ultralisk Cavern" then they can take 3 hits from siege tanks and still live. Plus 20+ damage man. They're all F'in powerhouses man.Originally posted by Snagg
Ghosts are awesome in bunkers. And they're relatively cheap for their abilities.
The worse unit?
By the time you can get ultralisks, then other teams will have battlecruisers, carriers.
How do you plan on getting ghosts past all those overlords? And against toss, that's even worse. Obs are invisible.Originally posted by betaalpha5
hey man ppl don't send in only 1 ghost to attack. but many ppl say that if u are trying to launch a nuke. they suggest u protect the ghost so that by the time they kill him it might be too late and even if they do kill him. it might have tsaken a lot of time trying to find him nad send ur units to kill him.
question if a nuke is soppose to have a lot of things liek the atom bomb. wouldn't the radation hurt the other orangic units since they are hurt and infected?
lol i totally forgot bout the terren civs. yeah they are the worst units forget thatthey suggest u protect the ghost so that by the time they kill him it might be too late and even if they do kill him.
4 scourges.Originally posted by newbie4lyfe
how could neone say broodlings are the worst!??!?! they are basically free! and can deal damage while it lasts... so i dont think broodlings are bad... btw scouts are not the best air-to-air unit... i think valks/// or scourage is the best like 3 scourages can kill a carrier...